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Product availability
What CONEXA customers value the most is the prompt
product availability of the full assortment of our products.
Practically all of the 30,000-odd product types in our catalogs
are in stock or will be available soon, even quantum leap sizes!
Shipping until 6:00 pm.

Our international seasoned CONEXA team has support
from efficient logistics companies so that the stipulated
delivery deadline can be ensured without fail.
Thus it is generally possible to send products from inventory
the same day they are ordered deliver them to you overnight –
anywhere in Europe!

Consulting / Engineering
At CONEXA, friendly and experienced customer service
representatives are on the phone to directly, competently,
and obligingly fulfill your wishes to the maximum
extent possible.
And our employees will gladly assist you until 5:00 pm even
on Fridays – guaranteed!

However, CONEXA development engineers are not only at the
ready to develop innovative solutions for markets of the future,
they will always strive to be at your side with creative ideas.
There are good reasons that resulted in the coining of the
famous "Made in Germany" phrase, which only corroborates
the excellent reputation German engineering enjoys worldwide.

For CONEXA, service also means providing consulting services
for all our business partners contacts whenever the need arises.
This goes for worldwide export markets as well as here
in Germany and Europe – that is our commitment to you!

spacer CONEXA warehouse
30,000 product types deliverable
from our warehouse

Technical diagram for a customized solution
Technical diagram
for a customized solution

deutsche version spacer navigation legal notices
CONEXA GmbH – Präzisions-Armaturen